Tooth Fairy Ethics For all youth-development professionals, leading by example includes modeling honesty. We share how we feel, we offer candid feedback, and we own our mistakes. Of course, honesty is not the same as completeness.
Not My Job …Or Is It? On my first morning at camp, I could not believe my bleary eyes. As I walked to my cabin from the washrooms, I saw a few fellow campers and a bunch of staff silently picking up garbage strewn about the trash bins. This article is for Paid-members only
A Cheer For Peace August 6, 1980, was my first day at overnight camp. The day began with homesick tears and almost ended in gloomy ones. My cabin had just lost a close tennis baseball game to a neighboring cabin. This article is for Paid-members only
Learning On The Job You’ve invested time and creativity into pre-season staff training, perhaps combining some pre-arrival video training modules from with some creative on-site workshops and scenarios. This article is for Paid-members only
Mind Over Mind Two gurus passed away in 2022, leaving behind an international legacy of health and happiness. Vietnamese Buddhist monk and peace activist, Thích Nhất Hạnh, and American medical doctor and cardiologist, Herbert Benson, both wrote and spoke prolifically on mindfulness and its many benefits. This article is for Paid-members only
Ready to Lifeguard? Essential preparation saves lives Mindfulness is the most important element a lifeguard brings to the job. It’s worth more than any piece of equipment, This article is for Members only
When Campers Ask Tough Questions Redirecting sensitive questions from kids Young people are curious, which is awesome. When that instinctive curiosity brews, sensitive (and sometimes inappropriate) questions percolate to the This article is for Members only