Beyond The Logo

Beyond The Logo

According to Brian Hill, project manager for Waters Edge Aquatic Design, an engineering firm based in Kansas City, Kan., after a major mishap, “that reputation sticks with you no matter how quickly you fix it.”

10 min read

The importance of branding for parks and recreation professionals

When something goes wrong, such as a programming-related schedule mix-up or an altercation between park patrons, it affects an organization’s reputation and overall brand. Strong brands are more resilient than weak brands, especially when something is amiss, which is why agency leaders must be mindful of their department’s standing.

According to Brian Hill, project manager for Waters Edge Aquatic Design, an engineering firm based in Kansas City, Kan., after a major mishap, “that reputation sticks with you no matter how quickly you fix it.”

Regardless of whether employees are aware, all parks and programs already have a brand and reputation. However, by taking control of the narrative to build trust or equity in the established brand, department leaders can get ahead of tough situations and recover more quickly from snafus.