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Expert Problem-Solving

If directors run a well-organized recreation program and provide great communication, parent complaints will be minimal. But sometimes incidents occur that are beyond the staff’s control, leading parents to complain.

2 min read

How to manage parent complaints and resolve conflict

If directors run a well-organized recreation program and provide great communication, parent complaints will be minimal. But sometimes incidents occur that are beyond the staff’s control, leading parents to complain. Whether by phone, via email, or in person, all complaints should be processed and resolved as quickly as possible. If the complaint cannot be handled immediately, follow-up should occur within a maximum of two days. Then the program director should continue following up with the parents until the issue is closed.

If frontline staff members receive the complaint, they should always try to assist first. If they lack the necessary information to resolve the issue, the appropriate supervisor should be contacted immediately. Any complaints that involve an incident or injury require that proper documentation be filed. Additionally, for complaints filed in person, staff or leaders should always attempt to move parents away from campers while working through the problem.

Building on these basics, here are seven common steps to follow in order to process complaints effectively, resolve them, and move forward:

  • Actively listen.
  • Ask supporting questions.
  • Apologize sincerely.
  • Determine the parents’ desired outcome from the complaint and verify the resolution.
  • Document the complaint and notify a supervisor.
  • Resolve the complaint.
  • Thank the parents.
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If parents become unruly, use the CARP Method to de-escalate the situation and to stay on track so both parties can reach a resolution:

  • Control the situation.
  • Acknowledge the dilemma.
  • Refocus the conversation.
  • Problem-solve.

General Customer Service

Regardless of the type of inquiry or communication method used, all staff members should adhere to the following customer-service guidelines when interacting with parents and participants. Displaying great customer service and building trust with participants are additional ways to curtail complaints before they happen.

  • Be friendly and greet with a smile.
  • Be respectful.
  • Listen.
  • Be responsive.
  • Be positive.
  • Clearly communicate.
  • Say thank you.
  • Maintain high standards.
  • Keep response time low.
  • Close-ended responses such as “I don’t know” and “It’s not my responsibility” are never appropriate. If the person who receives the complaint isn’t equipped to help, he or she should connect the parents or participants to the right person or resource to meet their needs.

Regardless of the severity of a complaint, staff should take it seriously and be responsive. Clear communication, great customer service, and trust-building—along with streamlined operations to keep things organized—will greatly reduce the number of parent complaints. If a complaint does come in, the team will be able to resolve it before it escalates so all parties can continue enjoying the program!