Gone To The Dogs

Gone To The Dogs

For years many communities have offered places for people to run, play, and have fun, but now many agencies are hearing the call to provide safe, accessible dog parks, too.

5 min read

Holly Springs, N.C. gives four-legged residents room to roam 

By LeeAnn Plumer

For years many communities have offered places for people to run, play, and have fun, but now many agencies are hearing the call to provide safe, accessible dog parks, too. This shift is not a new trend, but continues to build. According to the American Pet Products Association, new pet ownership grew to 70 percent in 2020; many people believe this was a result of the pandemic lifestyle change. Holly Springs, N.C., is like any growing community committed to serving its two-legged citizens as well as furry, four-legged residents. Just as families expect places to play for their children, dogs and their owners are seeking opportunities for socialization and exercise.