Shoring Up The Steep Banks At Levingston Cove One of only a few public parks along the shores of Crystal Lake, Louise Levingston Cove is a linear, half-acre public park located in a residential neighborhood.
Twists And Turns For Wild Rivers Spanning 20 acres, featuring 20 thrilling attractions, and serving as the largest waterpark project in the western U.S. in the past decade, Wild Rivers in Irvine, Calif., is a years-in-the-making community destination.
A Baffling Bill This headline recently appeared in North Carolina: “NC senators propose eliminating participation trophies for youth sports.”
Keep Your Cartoons Cartoon me has no history, no past. He never went to school, never had friends, was never married, and had no children. He smiles on cue and never loses sleep over stress or pressure. Sometimes I wish I could live like cartoon me—resistant to pain and difficulties.
Splash And Relax One hot summer day when I was five years old, my mother broke her ankle coming down a slide in a busy waterpark. In the chaos that ensued, kids crowded around me, stretchers carried my mother off over my head, and I couldn’t find the family friends with whom we’d traveled to the park. This article is for Paid-members only
Golf Course Irrigation Golf course irrigation has become a highly engineered science of pumps, piping, sprinkler heads, controls, automation, and telemetry, configured to maximize efficiency and conservation. This article is for Paid-members only
Reviving Cultural Identity The year was 2017. Like a time-worn photograph, City Lake Pool showed its age. The 1.25 million-gallon “cement pond” was quickly becoming obsolete in an era of lazy rivers, water cannons, and colorful dumping buckets. It was due for a significant renovation. This article is for Paid-members only
A Matter Of Interpretation The conservation and/or preservation of both recreation- and historic-based resources begins with the unifying concept of environmental management. Two interdependent thrusts turn that concept into results. This article is for Paid-members only