Baseball player sliding into the base

Triple Play

In Oxford, Ohio, this quote fits well for a field-renovation project that’s been ongoing for nearly half a decade and has finally wrapped up. Divvying up one adult softball field into three youth baseball and softball diamonds is almost as exciting as a triple play in youth baseball.  

6 min read

Dividing a baseball field brings three times as much activity

By Casey Wooddell

“The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit.”

—Moliere, French Playwright

In Oxford, Ohio, this quote fits well for a field-renovation project that’s been ongoing for nearly half a decade and has finally wrapped up. Divvying up one adult softball field into three youth baseball and softball diamonds is almost as exciting as a triple play in youth baseball.  

The process began in 2018 when staff members of Oxford Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) discussed how to increase the number of fields available for youth baseball and softball. Going back nearly two decades, when the Oxford Community Park (OCP) was designed, the master plan included eight ball diamonds. However, due to an increase in soccer, the second phase of ball diamonds was never completed. As with many other Midwest locations, soccer in Oxford is played from March to October, while youth baseball and softball are primarily spring sports. The decision regarding additional ball diamonds was logical, which allowed youth soccer to grow; however, youth baseball and softball were then left looking for additional field space.